
King of the Giants: Mighty Hunter of World Mythology

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King of the Giants: Mighty Hunter of World Mythology

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King of the Giants: Mighty Hunter of World Mythology

Introduction: A Worldwide Memory

Archive I. After the Flood: Rise of a Mighty One

Early Post-Flood Society...Semiramis and Her Son...Emergence of Nimrod the Hunter...Nimrod...Defeats Giants to BecomeKing of Earth...The King Himself Becomes Wicked...Tower of Shinar Ruined by Cataclysm...Rebuilding the Empire

Archive II. Saga of Sodom & Gomorrah and the Giant Wars

Elam Conquers Egypt & Canaan...Babylon Falls to Elam in Battle of Kuruksata...The Giants of Canaan...War and Fall of Sodom to Chedorlaomer...Abraham and the Anakim Defeat Chedorlaomer...Cultural-Political Consequences of the Elamite War...Wicked Annals of Sodom and Gomorrah...Destructtion of Sodom & Gomorrah by Dark Star Passover

Archive III. Archives of the Ancient Hunter: Old World

Records of Sumer: Lugal1 Marad, Tir Nammu, Shulgi & Gilgamesh...Records of Akkad: Sargon, Naram-Sin...Records of Babylon: Marduk, Nergal, Tammuz...Records of Amorites: Hammurabi [Amraphel]...Records of Assyria: Ninurta [Ninus]...Records of Canaan: Baal Adonis [Phoeniciaj...Records of Hittites: Kumarbi, Amunuzaduga...Records of Egypt: Osiris...Records of India: Rama, Rudra, Krsna, Marthanda...Sunmary of Old World Hunter Gods

Archive IV.  Many Shadows of Zeus: Mighty Hunter of Western Mythology

Reign of Cronus...Rise and Treachery of Zeus Over Cronus...Division of Earth & Rule of Laomedon...Grecian Masks & Memories: Aristaeus, Apollo, Dionysus...Bacchus, Pan, Heracles, Hermes, Orion, Theseus, Erechtheus, Amphion...Other Fragments of Zeus: Perseus, Orpheus, Linus, Damasen,Jove...The Son of Zeus: Ares [Mars]...Summary of the Arcadian Hunter Gods

Other Notes & Fragments

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